Step 1: Account Registration
If you have not used the Mandarake online store before, you need to register for an account.
Click here for the "Registration" page.
If you need help registering, you can find a complete step by step guide here.
Step 2: Auction Authorization
At the end of the registration you are asked if you would like to authorize your account for the Mandarake auctions. If you skipped this step, you can find the authorization process here in the Auction My Page area.
You will need to complete our authorization process before you can bid. This process can be done using your credit card and only needs to be done once.
* This process is for authentication purposes only. No charges will be made to your account and no card or user information will be stored.
Step 3: Bidding
Once you have completed the authorization process, you will be able to bid on the Everyday Auction listings. Click here for information on how absentee bidding works.
Mandarake Everyday Auction
Step 1: Registration & Authorization
Just like the Everyday Auction above, the first step is to register for an account.
You will also need to complete the authorization process as mentioned above in step 2.
Click here for the "Registration" page.
If you need help registering, you can find a complete step by step guide here.
Step 2: Paying the Participation Fee
If you wish to bid on items in our Big Web Auction you must first pay a participation fee. The fee can be paid by the following methods:
- Purchase the latest Mandarake Zenbu Catalog (see below)
- Purchase a subscription to the Mandarake Zenbu Catalog (see below)
- Single online payment (customers in Japan) - 1000 yen
- Single online payment (customers abroad) - 550 yen
Please note, due to security reasons, we only accept PayPal payment for participation fee to accounts with prior auction payment history.
To pay for the participation fee by a single payment, log in and access the My Page area. Click on the "Authentication" tab and choose the "Participate Big Web Auction" link.
Step 3: Bidding
Once your account has been activated for the Big Web Auction, you'll be able to bid on the items when the auctions go live (if the auction is already live you may need to log out and back in again before you are able to bid). Click here for information on bidding during the live auction.
You can also pre-bid on items in case you cannot join the live auction once it starts. Click here for information on how absentee bidding works.
Items won in the Big Web Auction also incur a 10% handling charge (winning bid x 10%), so please take note of this when deciding how much to bid.
Mandarake Zenbu Catalog
By purchasing the latest edition of the Mandarake Zenbu Catalog, or by having a valid subscription to it, you can participate in the Big Web Auction without the need to pay the participation fee.
You can purchase a single issue of the catalog or a subscription on the Mandarake online store. When you purchase them online our staff will activate your user id (or email address). As this is done manually you may not be able to bid on items straight away. If you need to register quickly, we recommend paying the registration fee.
You can also buy them in any of our physical stores. Please fill in the registration card in the catalog and send it back to us. A user ID will be generated and sent to you when catalogs are purchased in store.
Please note that the subscription fee does not include shipping fees.
Mandarake Zenbu Catalog