Store Box Sizes

When you place an order with a Mandarake store (not Sahra), our staff members manually try to fit your order into the smallest box possible while still ensuring its safety.
Not all boxes can be sent by all shipping methods, as certain shipping methods have restrictions on box sizes and weights.
If you place an order and it cannot fit in one box, it may be spread over several boxes or possibly the shipping method changed.
Please check your invoice email carefully to see how your order will be shipped.

Click here for more information on the different shipping methods available.

The boxes shown below are the boxes that are generally available at Mandarake stores (not including Sahra). The sizes and weights shown are hand measured estimates and the dimensions are external sizes.

Box Name External Dimensions Box Weight Name Order
1210mm x 180mm x 135mm120g1
2575mm x 390mm x 450mm1100g2
4640mm x 210mm x 170mm440g3
5325mm x 265mm x 309mm450g4
6300mm x 210mm x 165mm180g5
7350mm x 350mm x 270mm590g6
8410mm x 290mm x 85mm250g7
9505mm x 350mm x 340mm590g8
10745mm x 245mm x 270mm660g9
11430mm x 362mm x 97mm350g10
12410mm x 330mm x 140mm500g11
小 (Shou)365mm x 240mm x 215mm260g12
大 (Dai)455mm x 320mm x 250mm500g13
Boxes highlighted in red cannot be used for small packet shipping options.

If you are unsure about anything or have a question about a specific item, you can contact each store directly using the inquiry form.